Frequantly Asked Questions

Yes. You can try them before you buy and download them for free.

If you forgot to cancel your subscription before the next billing period - you can request a refund by contacting us.

There are hundreds of thousands of free and premium designer icons provided by iconrr for you to level up your workflow and project’s success!

You will get a high-resolution file with auto style, height, and format depending on the actual proportions of icons.!

Yes, you can use icons for commercial use as long as you follow their license. For icons that require credit and are listed under Creative Commons, you must either purchase the icon via iconrr subscription, pre- paid credit (your wallet balance), or purchase an icon or icon set directly.

For meeting the license requirements, you need to apply for a premium subscription plan if you want to use our icons in commercial projects.

To ensure the correct usage of our content for your personal or professional purposes, please check our Terms & Condition page.

No, you can sign up for free and can explore the endless opportunities offered by without adding your credit card details or any other payment method. However, if you are purchasing from then you have to make the payment according to the plan you’ve chosen.
You can choose from all major payment methods, including PayPal, Visa, and MasterCard.
The price for custom design service is obtained directly from the individual icon design you opt for. The quote is based on the complexity of the project and the deadline for delivery of the final designs. Therefore, the pricing might vary significantly case-by-case.

The good news is you can easily request for a custom icon by clicking on ‘Request Icons’ button on the top of our website home page or in the footer area, by clicking ‘Request an Icon’ under the ‘Quick Links’ section.
