Iconrr Refund Policy


Refunds for Subscriptions

Once you subscribe to one of the plans of iconrr.com, the subscription will automatically renew. All the subscriptions are recurring; it means it will renew automatically. If you do not want the subscription then you need to cancel it from your iconrr.com account. iconrr.com is not responsible for unwanted subscription renewals out of customer's omission.

If you want to avoid being charged automatically for a new billing period,make sure to cancel your subscription before the end of the current billing period.

You can get the full refund within 7 business days from the purchase date, if and when, you didn’t get to use the service, that is, you haven't downloaded any assets.

It is important that you send the refund request from the email address associated with your iconrr.com account in order to authorize it.

Refunds for past transactions are not possible. For annual subscriptions, you should request a refund within 7 business days from the date of the subscription renewal.


Refunds for Credits

You can not get a refund for the credit amount even if you have not used it to purchase any icons.


Other refunds

You will be refunded in situations when you are charged incorrectly due to technical problems and in case of fraudulent payments.

You are not eligible for any refunds in cases when iconrr.com terminates your account due to the breach of our Terms of service.

You can make a refund request over mail, send us an email to support@iconrr.com.
